Campus Pastor's Office 教堂出席


教堂 is required and twelve chapel absences are permitted each semester. These twelve absences may be used to sleep, 研究, recover from illness, for doctor's appointments, non-school related tripos, irregular work schedules, 面试, 汽车故障, and any trips to the airport, 等. 学生们应该在每学期的课程中明智地管理他们的礼拜堂出席率,并积极沟通. 教堂 attendance is overseen by the Campus Pastor's Office.

"Manage yourself so that nobody else has to." -Coach John Wooden

在韦斯特蒙特学院, 精神生活的形成,离不开心灵的生活. 因此,教堂是你在韦斯特蒙特学院教育的重要组成部分. 我们每周聚在一起敬拜三次,因为聚集在永活的神面前会改变我们的思想, 行为, 生活与爱.

Check 教堂出席

Keep track of your own chapel attendance.

教堂出席 Information

1. 教堂 is 3 times a week and is a requirement for all students. All students are allowed 12 skips per semester. These skips can be used for whatever personal reasons, including doctor's appointments, 休息, 研究, 旅行, 等. 与流行的神话相反,第二学期的高年级学生不会自动被所有教堂开除.

2. 教堂 begins at 10:30 am and ends at 11:20 am. Doors close at 10:30 am, 因此,请在上午10:30之前到达健身房并扫描您的身份证,以确保您收到教堂积分. 上午10:30以后迟到的学生仍然会被扫描(出于安全考虑),但不会获得学分. 如果您有特殊情况,请联系

3. In order to obtain 教堂 credit, 您必须在上午10点30分之前进入教堂,在健身房门口的教堂迎宾员扫描您的身份证.

4. If you leave 教堂 before 教堂 is excused, you will be scanned out and not receive credit for that 教堂. 

5. Communication is key. 不要等到学期末才提出你参加礼拜堂的问题或问题. 沟通. We'll work with you.


1. Is 教堂 participation required for all students?

简单地说,“是的!" If you are a student on campus, regardless of your class year, 教堂 participation is a requirement. 

2. How do I check into 教堂?

Each student gets up to 12 excused absences each semester. 你可以出于任何原因(睡眠、学习、旅行、生病、约会等)使用和管理这些时间.) and no communication is necessary to use your excused skips. 

3. How do I check into 教堂?

就像你用学生证扫描进入宿舍和食堂一样, our 教堂出席 System now works with the swipe of your ID card.

4. How do I check my 教堂出席?

跟踪你的出勤和管理你的借口缺席:如果你有iPhone和韦斯特蒙特学院的应用程序, simply go to the "Check 教堂出席" page. For Android users and all students, you always have access through the 教堂出席 link on our 网站, 或者你可以检查 在这里. Make sure when entering your student ID, that you include the Zero in front.

5. 如果我这学期报名参加了一个实习班,而我的实习是在教堂期间呢? 如果我有特殊情况使我无法去教堂呢?

Please fill out this Proactive C上诉表格 and alert the Campus Pastor's Office. 你必须参加实习/实习课程才能有这个借口. 这取决于你的年级以及实习让你想念查普尔的频率, the number of your allowed absences will be adjusted. You will work this out with the Campus Pastor's Office.

6. I have gone over my misses, what do I do?

填一下这个 C上诉表格 (事后)用你的理由来解释你的失误和你的情有可原的情况, 如果有的话. *Appeals are due the last day of each semester's classes at 5 pm. It is much better to communicate ahead of time than afterwards. 

7. I have an extenuating circumstance. 我该怎么办?? 

我们与残疾服务办公室(ODS)合作,确保所有有情有可为的情况(医疗紧急情况)的学生, mental health crises, 残疾的人, special circumstances that make it difficult to attend 教堂, 等.) are helped both by the ODS team and the Campus Pastor's Office. 如果您有特殊情况,请联系 to set up an appointment. 如果您是第一次申请住宿,并且您目前没有在ODS注册, please follow these 程序. We work with ODS to form a plan. 

8. 一旦所有的上诉程序完成,如果我无故缺席太多会发生什么?

我们的 教堂的地位 policy and procedure can be found here on our 网站

9. What are elective chapels? How do they apply to my chapel attendance? 

选择性教堂是围绕特定主题或群体创建的特殊会议. 它们不是强制性的,但你每参加一个可选的教堂,就会减少一个被跳过的教堂. 

 While students are encouraged to attend every 教堂, each student is allowed 12 教堂 misses per semester. 已经错过了12次的学生需要填写这份申诉 form with the reasoning for going over the allowed skips.

任何学期无故缺课超过12次的学生可能会危及他们未来在威斯蒙特大学的领导职位或入学资格, depending upon their 状态. 所有无故缺课超过12次的学生将被要求与校园牧师(和/或指定人员)会面,讨论他们的情况. 有特殊情况的学生可以提交申诉,描述他们的情况, in lieu of a meeting; however the Campus Pastor may still choose to require a meeting following an appeal being submitted. After meeting with the Campus Pastor, 在接下来的学期中,学生将被分配(由校园牧师全权决定)为以下状态之一:  

好: 良好的参与

警告: 学生被警告,如果不能按时参加礼拜堂,将面临进一步的行动,可能包括一个学期的休学

试用期: 学生被告知,未能充分参加教堂可能导致一个学期的停学

悬架: Not able to attend Westmont

If you miss an extraordinary number of chapels, or have other chapel behavior issues, you may be placed directly to the 缓刑 状态. 未与校园牧师或学生教务长会面以解决其缺课问题的学生可能会被威斯蒙特大学停学一学期. 


You must be fully present and engaged to receive 教堂 credit. 研究, 阅读, 玩手机, 听音乐, having headphones or air pods on, 离开健身房, 接电话, 在教堂期间与他人交谈将取消你获得教堂学分的资格.


  • Severe medical conditions which temporarily affects 教堂 attendance, such as hospitalization and/or going to student's family 首页 to recuperate. 病情必须由主治医生以书面形式核实,或由校园医生通过电子邮件向我们的办公室核实;
  • Other extenuating circumstances, such as family emergencies. To be excused a student will need to submit an appeal, along with supporting documentation, to the Campus Pastor’s Office within 2 weeks of the missed 教堂(s) ;
  • 由于健康原因或COVID而在房间或校外隔离(学生可以在线观看并向pastorsoffice@westmont提交有关该服务的一段话).edu);
  • Students with children;
  • Students away from campus on an authorized academic field trip. Please note: You will not be cleared if the professor has not notified us;
  • 陪审员的义务
  • 经教育部门批准完成学生教学或观察任务的学生. 请注意:如果部门没有事先通知我们,你将不会被清除;
  • 经教授和实习办公室批准参加实习的学生. Please note: You will not be cleared until a student fills out, along with the approving faculty member, an internship form that can be found on our 网站.
  • Athletes, attending away games on recognized intercollegiate sports teams. Please note: You will not be cleared if the department has not notified us. Leaving for pr行为ice is not excused.

Note: Work conflicts, medical/dental/physical therapy appointments, 而感冒和流感等疾病不属于借口缺课,将被视为学生允许的教堂缺课的一部分.

Remember, communication is key, and it is your responsibility.

If you have gone over your 12 教堂 misses, please fill out this 教堂出席 Appeal form.

如果你有实习或实习影响到教堂,请填写这个 Proactive C上诉表格